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June 12, 2012

Treadmill Workouts

Treadmill Workout Routines.
Here are some helpful tips for those of you who need some help with their treadmill workout routines.

Many people find that after the initial buzz of purchasing a new treadmill that it can be easy to let their treadmill workout routines become boring, when things go a little flat it is hard to reach the goals you have set yourself.

1. Get some variety into your Treadmill workouts!
Many people who give up with their treadmill workout routines do so because of a lack of variety with their workouts, everybody would get bored running or walking at the same pace for half an hour.
A one paced workout is also not the most efficient way to exercise with a treadmill, varying the intensity of your workout increases the bodies metabolism much more than a single paced workout.

All workouts should start with a slow warm-up, the training session and then a cool down period.
2. Cardiovascular Treadmill Workouts
The Cardiovascular treadmill workout uses your heart rate as a monitor as to how hard you should be working during the program.
If you starting out try this workout with a total workout time of between 25 - 30 minutes, increase the workouts if you wish up to 60 minutes in 5 minute segments.
Only increase the workout time after 3 or 4 weeks of consistent workout duration, increase the workout time and not the warm-up and cool down elements.
  1. 5 minute warm up, at a  comfortable pace.
  2. increase speed for 5 minutes, moderate pace - heart rate is raised but you should not be gasping for air.
  3. increase incline slightly for 5 min, moderate pace
  4. increase speed slightly for 5 min, moderately fast - heart rate is raised but not so that you can't run/ walk for 5 minutes.
  5. treadmill flat for a 5min cool down

It is difficult to give accurate speed increases in mph as everyone is at different levels, some may struggle to walk for the duration of the workout. This is why using your heart rate and breathing is the best guide to a comfortable workout. Don't over do it!

 3.Interval Treadmill Workouts.
There are two main types of treadmill interval workout routines, the sprint interval and the incline interval.
Interval workouts use a change of difficulty to give the body a demanding workout, the speed training has the changing of pace to alternate difficulty whereas the incline workout uses the treadmills incline angle to alternate difficulty (and is obviously best suited to treadmills with automatic incline adjustment).

  Sprint Interval Workout
  1. 5 minute warm up, at a  comfortable pace.
  2. increase speed for 5 minutes, moderate pace - heart rate is raised but you should not be gasping for air.
  3. increase incline slightly for 5 min, moderate pace
  4. increase speed slightly for 5 min, moderately fast - heart rate is raised but not so that you can't run/ walk for 5 minutes.
  5. treadmill flat for a 5min cool down

 Incline Interval workout
  1. 5 minute warm up, at a  comfortable pace.
  2. increase the incline at 5 minute intervals until the middle of your workout.
  3. Start to decrease the treadmill angle at 5 min intervals until it is flat.
  4. treadmill flat for a 5min cool down. 
With interval treadmill workouts it is the intensity that is increased and not the length of the treadmill workout.

View Interval Treadmill Workouts for a more detailed guide.

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